Cocoon: Moisturizing, Healing, Restoring Lotion
Cocoon Is The Greatest Problem Solving
Lotion On Planet Earth!

"Imagine the thrill of receiving this incredible award from the United States Military! Cocoon Lotion was a true benefit to our troops abroad!
"I promise that Cocoon Lotion will change the life of you, or someone you know. Imagine the joy felt when a persistent, or lifelong skin problem vanishes!"
Cocoon Lotion is the greatest problem-solving lotion on Planet Earth!
"My Cocoon Lotion will visibly transform your skin to look healthier, smoother, and more hydrated in a matter of days! Guaranteed!
I’ve spent 20 years perfecting my amazing Cocoon Lotion. Thousands of aestheticians and skin care professionals have recommended Cocoon Lotion. It’s been used in 1,000’s of hospitals including burn units, cancer centers, and operating rooms.
I’ve worked with experts in the US, France, South Korea, Australia, and Japan to help perfect my lotion. My team of doctors, researchers, chemists, advisers, and formulators are second to none.
My secret manufacturing process enables me to harness the power of certain naturally occurring nutrients which are the driving force behind healthy skin. It works for men, women, and children.
Let Cocoon Lotion tackle the appearance of your worst skincare concern and you will be thrilled with the results…or your money back! I’ve done all the work, now all you have to do is smooth Cocoon Lotion on your skin and watch the metamorphoses."
Ron Cummings,
Founder, CEO AminoGenesis Skin Care Products
If you have any of these problems Cocoon Lotion can help the appearance of:
Dry, flaky skin
Itchy rashes and irritations
Dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea
Dry patches on elbows, knees, hands or feet
Injuries, cuts, or scars
Sores, bites, or allergic reactions
Razor bumps, cuts, or scrapes
Soothe sunburn, windburn and chapped skin
Surgical scars, stretch marks, and other discolorations
I want you to be my next amazing success story!
Give Cocoon your worst skin problem and let Cocoon give you back the appearance of beautiful and healthy-looking skin!
Cocoon provides the restoring nutrients your skin needs every day to recover and be healthy. NO OTHER LOTIONS DO THIS!
Cheap greasy lotions cannot do what Cocoon can do! No how... no way!
Cocoon Lotion is named for the visible metamorphosis of your skin that takes place when you use it every day.
Please accept my apology. These 100% authentic photos relate to actual customer use. Some advise that I should not show them as they may turn some people off, but that is not fair to someone who may be desperately looking for a remedy to their problem. If you are really lucky and already have perfect skin, I'm sure you know someone who can benefit from my amazing lotion. So please forward this to them.

Cocoon Lotion has proven to be a miracle in a bottle visibly renewing the appearance of the skin for millions of people!

I have been using this product for years! I first bought it through my local beauty supply and when they closed, I started buying it directly. People tell me I have amazing skin for my age, I tell them it must be genetic! Or is it? That is the question.
Eve A. 01/2022
Twenty years ago, my grandchildren who lived in Colorado were experiencing chronic diaper rash. My daughter had tried everything, including prescription cortisone. Nothing worked, I sent her Cocoon. The rashes cleared up immediately. Since then I have recommended Cocoon and other Amino Genesis Products to a multitude of friends.
Gay M. 01/2022
When I had breast cancer and all the surgeries my skin was not healing well and I decided it was dry along with needing radiation and not wanting to have a huge burn reaction I did some research and Aminogenesis was relatively new but they were saying it would work great for that, my doctors told me no but I did it anyway, I healed up fast and barely had a burn at all, been using everyday since and tell anyone with skin problems to use it. It's phenomenal!
Paula V. 01/2022
I met my wife about 8 years ago and she introduced me to Cocoon at the time. I live in Alberta, Canada and the winters are very dry resulting in extremely dry skin. My fingers and soles of my feet used to crack due to the lack of humidity, however, I found that using Cocoon every day eliminated that problem completely! I now use it as a whole-body daily moisturizer year-round and my skin looks and feels great. I'm hooked for life!!
Cal B. 01/2022
When I met my husband 13 years ago, he had terrible dry patches of skin on and around his nose, due to immune system issues. As I had been using AminoGenesis for 5 years at the time, I knew it would work for him and his extremely dry skin. He was hesitant at first but I convinced him. What did he have to lose? Within 4 days you couldn't even tell that those dry patches had been there. Within the week he was begging me to buy him the whole line. He has used nothing but AminoGenesis ever since, and never have those dry patches returned. We use Really Really Clean, Cocoon, Therapeutic Repair and Under Eye Treatment as our full skincare line. My husband also loves the packaging as he doesn't feel like he's using a feminine product like he would using many other products. I have used Amino since I was 28 years old, I am now 45 and I often get mistaken for 35 years old. I know that is from using Amino skincare line for those years. We often recommend these products to people with skin issues, not just problem skin but with scaring, eczema, and rashes. As a Breast Cancer survivor, the specialty cremes my surgeons gave me did nothing to reduce my scars after 3 life-saving surgeries. It wasn't until i switched to using Cocoon on my scars that my scars started to fade away, now just slivers that are hard to see. We will never change our skincare routine, Thank you AminoGenesis!
Lee & Dan 01/2022
I was introduced to this product as a teenager. (My mom has been a long-time fan of AminoGenesis). Fast forward 20 years later, I have been using the product consistently for years now and my dry skin is GONE. My skin feels smooth and hydrated. Moreover, my freckles and moles seem to be getting smaller, and my stretch marks (from muscle growth/lifting weights) have almost gone away. This product is a miracle for the skin!
Evan G. 01/2022
My family has been using cocoon for over 10 years now and I can’t tell you how many times it saved me from scaring post burns. From curling iron burns to a serious burn on my face from hot tea. My mom exclusively uses it as her face moisturizer and most recently my toddler-aged nephew. He was having constant bumps and prescriptions wouldn’t even help. Cocoon has cleared it up and is correcting the pigmentation discoloration that the flare-ups caused. And 8oz for $44!? Amazing value and one that has not seemed to increase since we’ve been customers. Thank you Amino Genesis!
Lauren L. 01/2022
I have been using Cocoon every morning for over 25 years on a face that has been constantly exposed to the outdoor elements and I can feel the hydrating results of the lotion right away giving me the confidence that I am helping my face stay healthier.
Duncan C. 01/2022

8 oz (240 ml) Learn More Below